Supported Languages
While Captioner supports 98+ languages, not all of the languages are equally accurate. Languages like English are the most accurate, typically with human levels of performance and strong recognition of specialized, domain-specific vocabulary. Voice to text accuracy varies by language. You’ll get the best results in the following languages: English, Spanish, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Dutch, Chinese, Japanese, Russian, Arabic, Hindi, Swedish, Norwegian, Danish, Polish, Turkish, Hebrew, Greek, Czech, Vietnamese, and Korean. You are encouraged to use the free tier to experiment.
Below is the full language support list (not in any particular order):
- English
- Chinese
- German
- Spanish
- Russian
- Korean
- French
- Japanese
- Portuguese
- Turkish
- Polish
- Catalan
- Dutch
- Arabic
- Swedish
- Italian
- Indonesian
- Hindi
- Finnish
- Vietnamese
- Hebrew
- Ukrainian
- Greek
- Malay
- Czech
- Romanian
- Danish
- Hungarian
- Tamil
- Norwegian
- Thai
- Urdu
- Croatian
- Bulgarian
- Lithuanian
- Latin
- Maori
- Malayalam
- Welsh
- Slovak
- Telugu
- Persian
- Latvian
- Bengali
- Serbian
- Azerbaijani
- Slovenian
- Kannada
- Estonian
- Macedonian
- Breton
- Basque
- Icelandic
- Armenian
- Nepali
- Mongolian
- Bosnian
- Kazakh
- Albanian
- Swahili
- Galician
- Marathi
- Punjabi
- Sinhala
- Khmer
- Shona
- Yoruba
- Somali
- Afrikaans
- Occitan
- Georgian
- Belarusian
- Tajik
- Sindhi
- Gujarati
- Amharic
- Yiddish
- Lao
- Uzbek
- Faroese
- Haitian Creole
- Pashto
- Turkmen
- Nynorsk
- Maltese
- Sanskrit
- Luxembourgish
- Myanmar
- Tibetan
- Tagalog
- Malagasy
- Assamese
- Tatar
- Hawaiian
- Lingala
- Hausa
- Bashkir
- Javanese
- Sundanese
- Cantonese